Review: Riotous fun and huge performances... it's the Pompey Panto at The Kings!

Captain Hook & Ensemble 4 (pic by Alan Bound for The Kings Theatre)Captain Hook & Ensemble 4 (pic by Alan Bound for The Kings Theatre)
Captain Hook & Ensemble 4 (pic by Alan Bound for The Kings Theatre)
Hook – The Further Adventures of Peter Pan, Kings Theatre, Southsea, until Sunday, December 31.

It really doesn’t take him long. Jack Edwards as Mrs Smee soon gets his man-cam out, projecting the whole audience onto the screen behind him, the better to select his man for the evening. Jack’s back as Mrs Smee, and Mrs Smee wants a man – the perfect platform for the saucy adlibbing which is Edwards’ forte and which is so much a part of what makes the Kings panto so special year after year.

Edwards is on cracking form throughout, particularly though towards the end for the shout-outs. He knows just how far to push it and he pushes it to the limit, his legendary “fat bloke in a dress” routine bringing the house down. Last year’s role just didn’t give him quite the right opportunities; Mrs Smee this year is the perfect pretext for panto mayhem such as only Jack can concoct it.

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