Man jailed for blaming speeding offences on ex

Richard MalhamRichard Malham
Richard Malham
A man who was caught speeding twice in 90 minutes in Crawley has been jailed after he tried to blame the offences on his ex-girlfriend.

Richard Malham, 33, a bricklayer, of Hatch Gardens in Tadworth, Surrey, was recorded travelling at 44mph and 37mph along Gatwick Road in November 2015. The speed limit is 30mph.

Police said the vehicle, a red Ford Ka, was registered to him but he denied any wrongdoing. He blamed his former partner despite the fact she had never had a licence or driven a car.

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Officers said they discovered photos captured by the mobile speed camera van which showed a man driving the vehicle.

Malham, formerly of Arden Road in Crawley, was later arrested on suspicion of failing to provide a specimen of breath after he was suspected of drink-driving on the A24 in Washington in August 2016.

While in custody police said he was suspected of perverting the course of justice in relation to the speeding offences, and was further arrested.

He repeatedly denied the speeding offences until he was shown the images caught by the mobile camera, police added.

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Malham pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice at Lewes Crown Court, on May 26, and was sentenced to four months in prison.

He was also ordered to pay a £750 fine and a £115 victim surcharge.

The conviction is the first in Sussex Police’s new campaign to improve road safety, Operation Pinocchio.

Chief Inspector Warren Franklin, of the Surrey and Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “Malham could have escaped with a fixed penalty notice and three points on his licence had he been honest and admitted the offences. Instead, he has been sent to prison.

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“By lying about speeding, he has perverted the course of justice – an offence which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

“I hope all motorists can learn from this case. Our priority is to make the roads in Sussex as safe as they can be, and we will continue to target motorists who break the law.”

If you witness someone driving carelessly or dangerously, you can report it online at via Operation Crackdown.

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