Your letters - February 27

We welcome your letters - email them to [email protected] include your name and address if your letter is for publication.

Grit before pensions

FURTHER to recent reports of the now de rigeur annual rise in Council Tax, I read in the Bexhill Observer (Friday February 13) that one of our intrepid councillors has defended this year's increase, even stating that Rother's will remain the lowest in East Sussex.

Well done Rother. What councillors don't mention is that whilst our pensions have been robbed out by this selfish Government, Town Hall pensions are not just gold plated but solid through and through and set to rise, written in stone and taking up to a quarter of our annual Council Tax contribution.

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So not only will Town Hall staff receive a basic state pension, on top of this they will receive a golden handshake out of courtesy of the Council Tax hike they set each year, which is doing a good job of bleeding many already hard-pressed folk dry.

What great comfort reading that our Council Tax will be the lowest in East Sussex, but what a shame that the present level of funding could not during the recent bad weather stretch to gritting side streets and pavements over the majority of our area, meaning that we witnessed cars running into each other and people falling over on glass-like pavements.

Perhaps the forecast low rise in the hated tax will mean even less gritted public roads next time?

We have been reminded that we only get bad weather like this every 20 years or so (not counting two or three icy years ago) that's all the more reason that there should be enough salt and grit for all, or perhaps I and the residents in my local impassable roads don't pay enough Council Tax possibly?

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I am informed that only bus routes are gritted. What about all the people who use Shank's pony to get to work, or drive or cycle? A high percentage of us live off bus routes and a very high percentage are older people who risk literally life and limb to get to work or go out shopping so if it is not on a bus route you live, you take your life in your hands or is it in the council's hands I wonder?

This country has the most stringent and usually ridiculous Health and Safety laws in the world, many backed up by local councils who seemingly turn a blind eye to their own shortcomings such as making pavements safe during icy weather.

Any comment Town Hall?


Duke Street, Bexhill-On-Sea

We're the AIMBYs

Re Mr Woods recent letter The Link Road NIMBYs:

After enduring 20 years of a Pellet Plant, Waste Recycling Works, a Gypsy Site, and an eternal Landfill Site, to put the icing on the cake Veolia want to extend their opening hours to include weekends. They also want to double the amount of rubbish coming into the plant. We also have the Link Road and a new estate behind our houses to enjoy. 'My cup runneth over!'

It is no wonder that we are NIMBYs, we are considering changing to AIMBYs '“ Always In My Back Yard.. When the ESCC decides the location of the expected travellers' sites I bet a month's pension that the Collington area will not be one of them. An old saying springs to mind..... 'I'm alright Jack!'

R. Sanderson


Time to start anew

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MAY I through your letters page, address the two young men who broke into St Augustine's church hall (Friday morning) and stole an amount of money from a collection box.

Actions like this remind me of my own life. I haven't always been a Christian, actually much more of my life was spent without Jesus Christ, than the past few years with him.

I could tell you of many things I've done that are both immoral and illegal that make this small theft pale into insignificance.

Things that gave me short pleasure, but gradually increased a burden of stress on my shoulders and a fear of both arrest and discovery.

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I had to hit rock bottom, have more than my fair share of brushes with the police, become an addict, and basically want death more than life, before I could hear God calling.

So I'd like to make you an offer. Meet me just once in total confidentiality. Allow me to listen to your story. Perhaps listen to mine?

Let me tell you that Jesus is actually quite cool and relevant today. I have five sons. They are not Christians, they happen to have a Christian father.

Allow me to lift some of that stress and fear, and show you a new exciting way to live. Consider this an open ended offer. This week, next month, next year, or at any point in future years from now. When you are ready. Paul Minter. 01424- 219426.

Paul Minter

Gunters Lane, Bexhil

Digital seniors

Two stories I've been told:

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1) Bexhill-on-Sea is where the aged come to die '“ and then don't.

2) Others who retire to Eastbourne, do so to be near their parents in Bexhill.

Clearly Bexhill senior citizens are alive and kicking. Why should I be surprised then that my advertisement in various East Sussex papers for visiting home computer tuition received more response from Bexhill than anywhere else.

Ladies and gentlemen of Bexhill, I congratulate you on your lively interest, and owe it to you to place my advertisement in your own local newspaper. I trust you will spot it, and look forward to seeing more of you soon.



Black mark

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I SUPPOSE I should reluctantly congratulate East Sussex County Council for its unique method of dealing with the public's complaints '“ by completely ignoring the matter.

Early winter when workmen from East Sussex council came to Tarmac our path, they accidentally got some of the black stuff on my freshly painted white front garden wall.