St Leonards campaigners slam Post Office bosses for branding them a '˜rabble' and '˜intrusion'

Campaigners fighting to save St Leonards' main post office from closing have blasted Post Office Ltd for branding them a '˜rabble'.
Save St Leonards Post Office protestors last July. Picture by Roberts Photographic  SUS-171105-114536001Save St Leonards Post Office protestors last July. Picture by Roberts Photographic  SUS-171105-114536001
Save St Leonards Post Office protestors last July. Picture by Roberts Photographic SUS-171105-114536001

In a Freedom of Information document from the firm, obtained by campaigners, it said that staff had ‘endured months of intrusion into their personal lives’ because of the campaign.

A statement signed by residents and scores of St Leonards businesses said: “The 8,000 plus residents of St Leonards, who have been supporting the campaign since November 2016 to save the Crown post office, have always had two core concerns: firstly, to save the Crown post office for the community and businesses; secondly, to maintain the job security and welfare of the staff, whose skills and expertise are valued by our community, but not it seems by their employers.

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