Uncertain future for Horsham Scout group

Horsham 3rd scouts SUS-150113-145647001Horsham 3rd scouts SUS-150113-145647001
Horsham 3rd scouts SUS-150113-145647001
A Horsham Scout group is facing an uncertain future after losing two of its leaders within the space of a month.

Both 3rd Horsham Cub and Scout troops are searching for new volunteers to run each group after losing their leaders towards the end of December.

David Smith, who ran the Scout troop, and Callum Mitchell, who ran the Cub troop, stepped down from their positions during the Christmas break after new work commitments meant the pair could no longer continue running their respective groups.

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3rd Horsham Group Scout leader Andy Fountain said he wanted to find new leaders for both troops as soon as possible to make sure the groups could continue ‘indefinitely’.

He said: “Callum and David have done a fantastic job and it is a real shame we are losing them both. We knew back in the summer David was stepping down at Christmas and we have been unable to find a replacement. Callum’s workload has gone up since the Christmas period which has meant he has had to step down immediately.

“We now need more leaders to step up and come and help out the groups. Without any extra leaders we can not continue indefinitely.”

The situation is slightly more worrying for the Cubs than it is for the Scouts as Andy’s son will be taking over as leader of the Scout troop in the next few weeks. But the Cubs currently have no leader.

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Andy will be running next weeks meeting along with group chairman John Bowen but said the future is uncertain for the troop unless a new leader comes forward.

Andy said: “For both groups we could do with two leaders so the responsibilty doesn’t just fall on one person.

“My son will be talking over the Scouts but he can only do two weeks out of three.

“For the Cubs the worse case scenario is that they will not be able to meet up as often if we can not find them a new leader.

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“If we can’t I would hope we will be able to continue doing something but it might not be as frequent.”

Andy said both troops could do with two leaders and five or six extra helpers. At a meeting on Friday he appealed to parents and asked them to help but he also said outside help is very much welcome.

“If we can get more people involved the better,” Andy continued. “It would make it easier if there were five or six people willing to take on some part of it as it will be better than one person trying to do it all.

”It can be hard work but it is rewarding to see the kids develop. There is a fantastic sense of achievement in what the kids do.

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“Going out on camps is something they don’t usually get a chance to do so being a Cub or Scout is a great way of doing that. We don’t want them to lose it.”

Meg Lockwood, a mother of one of the Cubs said: “I think it is very sad to see the situation they are in. They don’t get a lot of chances to get out and about and this offers them that opportunity. It would be upsetting for it to go.”