Goring shooter Gleeson sets sights on Tokyo 2020 spot

Goring rifle shooter Katie Gleeson is targeting a spot at the Tokyo 2020 OlympicsGoring rifle shooter Katie Gleeson is targeting a spot at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Goring rifle shooter Katie Gleeson is targeting a spot at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Goring rifle shooter Katie Gleeson is setting her sights on a spot at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

Gleeson, 21, is the current British women’s air rifle champion and had a brilliant 2016.

As well as gaining a national title, Gleeson competed in her first World Cup for Great Britain, which took place in Munich, while also taking double gold at the Commonwealth Championships.

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With all of this success, Gleeson has become even more hungry to ensure she takes part in the pinnacle of her sport three years from now.

She said: “Competing at Tokyo in 2020 is the main goal for me at the moment, it’s not the end game though. My ultimate ambition is to become one of the most skilled and successful athletes in the world and to win gold at the Olympic Games.

“Last year was a fantastic developmental year for me, with lots of new personal bests and I competed for Great Britain at my first World Cup in Munich.”

Gleeson will have a number of opportunities to qualify for Tokyo with several major international competitions to come between now and then.

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First, GB shooter Gleeson must earn a quote place to seal her place. She said: “To qualify for the Olympics you have to win what’s called a quote place for Great Britain.

“You can do this by winning medals at major international competitions like World Cups, in the year before the Olympics takes place.

“Each nominated major competition is allocated a set number of quota places, which are up for grabs. Once a quota place has been won for GB, you will then have to be selected by the British Shooting selection panel to compete at the Olympics.”

Coinciding with her success this year, Gleeson has gained a sponsorship deal with employers, Goring-based company Ziffit.

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The Olympic hopeful believes this has helped her a great amount since they decided to give her added support. Gleeson said: “Ziffit have helped me massively in affording not only new equipment but competition and training costs too.

“They allow me a little more flexibility in my working days, to fit in with my busy training and competition schedule.

“Ziffit’s support has been fundamental in my progress this year.”

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